Why Not to Jump on the Surgical Trends


When it comes to cosmetic procedures, it's important to remember that trends come and go. What may seem like a good idea at the moment could have lasting effects on your appearance and overall health. It's essential to take the time to research and consider all aspects of a cosmetic trend before deciding to get irreversible treatments.

Most trends last only a couple of years, at most. 

Umm, hello, does anyone remember Courteney Cox’s baby bangs? Aren’t you glad your hairstylist didn’t listen to you when you rushed in with a clipping from the newest issue of UsWeekly, demanding that you receive said baby bangs because they were “in” at the moment?! At least that’s your hair, it’ll always grow back. But when patients jump on surgical trends, these can affect their facial structure and stability, sometimes permanently. Sadly, those buccal fat pads won’t grow back, babe.

Speaking of buccal fat, one trend that has gained popularity in recent years is buccal fat removal. This procedure involves the removal of the buccal fat pads, which are located in the cheeks and contribute to a fuller, youthful appearance. Some patients may desire a more sculpted and defined look, and buccal fat removal may seem like a quick fix. However, this procedure can have long-term consequences on facial structure and stability.

Removing the buccal fat pads can cause the cheeks to hollow out, leading to a gaunt and aged appearance over time. Additionally, the buccal fat pads serve as a protective cushion for the facial muscles and bones, so their removal can impact the overall stability of the face. This can result in changes to the facial structure and even affect the way the jawline and chin appear.

It's crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you understand the potential risks and benefits of any cosmetic procedure. A reputable surgeon will listen to your concerns and provide personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and goals. They will also take the time to discuss the recovery process and any potential long-term effects of the procedure.

While it may be tempting to jump on the latest cosmetic trend, it's important to remember that trends come and go. A procedure that is popular now may not be in the future, and you don't want to be left with permanent consequences. Take the time to research and understand the potential risks and benefits before deciding to undergo any cosmetic procedure. Your face and overall health are worth it.


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